Grow - Worship - Study - Serve

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View our FAQ page on the Child Protection Policy for some of the highlights of the policy.
Fill out a web-based version of our
Child Information/Permission Form.

Nursery Care

Our church nursery, staffed by trained caregivers, supports parents by providing for the emotional, physical, and spiritual need of young children during worship services, coffee hour and other scheduled events when arranged. Our nursery is located off Fellowship Hall and welcomes newborns to age 3. Nursery hours are 10:00 AM to noon or until the last child is picked up.


Children's Moment

On Sunday mornings during worship our children are invited to join one another for a brief conversation about the scripture reading of the day. The Children's Moment is presented by adults who take the scripture reading and make it relatable to young children. This may involve props, conversation and laughter! The children then continue their worship experiences in their age appropriate learning spaces. Click on the videos below to watch some of our archived Children’s Moments. You can also find additional videos here.


Worship and Wonder: Worship Experience, ages 3 - 1st Grade

Following the children’s moment this age group is invited to participate in a Montessori influenced worship space called Children Worship and Wonder. The adapted worship time has a liturgy much like that of adults, welcome, song, story, hearing the Word, giving thanks, sharing the feast. Unlike many children’s programs, the stories are simply told with little interpretation, leaving children to wonder about the text and fill in the details. 

Please note children attending Worship and Wonder will remain in their classroom until they are picked up by parents. The Worship and Wonder class is held in the church parlor.


Young Disciples: 2nd - 5th Grades & Exploring Faith: 6th - 8th Grades

Young Disciples and Exploring Faith meet after the children's moment for their own adapted worship experience. Each use a workshop rotation model. Each rotation focuses on a single Bible story using art, drama, cooking, bible games and skills, music, science, video, and digital media and technology.   


Youth Group - 9th - 12th Grades

The Youth Group meets twice a month from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM on the second and last Sundays of each month for fellowship time. Fellowship time includes food, drinks and games. It also include bible study which encourages our youth to engage with one another and the Scripture using storytelling, creative reflection, and dialogue. Through this experiential approach, students find meaning and identity in the biblical narrative. 



Acolytes are worship leaders. Worship officially begins when acolytes call forth/bring the light of Christ into the sanctuary and light the alter candles. This light is the symbol of Christ’s presence with us at worship. Acolytes carrying candle-lighters process before the minister and choir silently calling the congregation into a time of worship. Acolytes then remove the light from the sanctuary at the end of the service reminding us to go forth and be Christ's light in the world. Acolytes are generally between 7 and 12 years of age. Acolyte training is held frequently for children who wish to participate.
